BE SURE YOU'RE USING BORLAND PASCAL 7.0! I have included two compiled tpu's in this zip file. One is omenu.FG (compiled with Fastgraph from Ted Gruber Software) and the other, compiled with the standard Borland Graphics Interface driver. Just copy the one you choose to use to the filename OMENU.TPU and you're ready to go. As you can see from the sample program OMENUP, you can use and dispose of the menu objects at any time. Just be sure to query the object (GETCHOICE) and get the user's choice before disposal. You will notice there are three ways to get the choices... one is VMENU.GetChoice, which returns the user choice from the vertical dropdown menu HMENU.GetChoice returns the horizontal bar menu choice. HVMENU.GetChoice returns a composite... the horizontal choice times 100 plus the vertcal. Example: Horizontal-choice is 2, Vertical-choice is 5: The HVMenu.GetChoice return value is the horizontal choice*100 plus the vertical choice. Choice=205. An escape key exit from the menu will return the value of the horizontal menu choice plus zero. Let me hear from you if you like the menu system or if you have any suggestions (I know... a mouse) for improvement. Source code is available to serious users. Jay Faubion 72763,200 Compuserve